Move over for this king of the Elephants or he'll certainly topple you! Emery may look like a pushover, but he'll stand up to your pooch any time, any day, anywhere!
Tuff Scale: 8
Tuffy® Ultimate™ toys are made with UP TO 4 layers.
- 1 layer soft fleece on the outside.
- 1 to 2 layers of industrial grade luggage material on the inside.
- 1 layer of plastic coating on the inside.
All of the toy layers are sewn together to make one super strong layer of material. Each toy is sewn together with 2 rows of cross stitching and 2 rows of linear stitching. Some toys have an additional piece of black trim which protects the edging and makes the toy even stronger.
The squeakers are attached to the toy with protective pouches. This feature provides a safe window to remove the toy from your pet should it reach the core.